Part of the Mare Herd at the 4DH Ranch in Oklahoma. For More Works by Debra Coppinger Hill Click Image.

Friday, May 4, 2012


There is no excuse for having not posted here! So here is my pathetic attempt at an explanation: I was just too lazy to learn how to use the blog site!

By the time I write my column and post it to my notes section on Facebook and to the 1200 other places I post it to (Ok, I post it to 12, but other folks pick it up and post it to the other places) I would find myself without enough time to post it here. Then my friend Duffy said "Why not just post it there and tell everyone the link and forget the rest of it?" Simple solution, I know.

Just this morning my pal Dave King and I discussed how we get tunnel vision and used to doing things one way. We find it very hard to change our ways.

Long ago in the far away I wrote for a magazine in Canada. My editor Mike liked my work which was typed and mailed to him. Things went very well until the mail system failed me and he called and I had to read my copy of the column to him over the phone. Several similar incidents later I received a call from him where he told me how much he loved my work and felt fortunate to have me writing for him, BUT if I didn't get a computer and an email address that I could use to send the column to him that he would have to fire me. He explained that he didn't want to do that because he considered me his friend.

Fact was, we already owned a computer; I had just been too lazy to learn to use it. However, I learned and my writing improved and my timing and delivery improved and my income increased because I could email my work to other places. Moral of the story: Get off your lazy behind Debra and learn to use the blog site!

So here I am on this lovely spring day redoing the blog page and learning how to post from my computer and from my phone when I travel. I promise, dear readers to get better at this blogging thing and get Riding Drag on here on a regular weekly basis. There are several of my friends out there who intend to hold my feet to the fire just like Mike did many years ago.

Please feel free to pass the link along when you receive it and don't forget to add it to your Facebook page. Also add your name to the Fans listing.

Thank you each and every one!

"Ride Hard, Laugh Often, Live Free!"
Debra Coppinger Hill

RIDING DRAG with DEBRA COPPINGER HILL is featured each week at ALWAYS COWBOY where Debra is a Resident Western Poet. Join her and her Cowboy Friends for Cowboy Poetry, News &; Events. http://alwayscowboy.net/debra_coppinger_hill_poetry.html

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