Part of the Mare Herd at the 4DH Ranch in Oklahoma. For More Works by Debra Coppinger Hill Click Image.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Now, more than any time before, we must celebrate Independence Day. We must celebrate before it is gone, before the next generation forgets.

Have you passed on any traditions today? I am not talking about hot dogs and fireworks. I am talking about taking your family out around the flag pole and raising the flag and pledging allegiance. Have you stood and told them about family members who have given up their time or even their lives to defend freedom? It doesn’t matter how many generations back, they deserve to be remembered. It is our duty to tell their stories and make the next generation understand that it is their sacrifice that enables them to live in a country that is still free.

Tell them about the Constitution. Tell them about voting and encourage them to register if they are old enough. Tell them what they no longer tell them in school; that honesty and hard work will pay off and that it is better to stand for the values this country was based on no matter the cost, than to live in chains.

I know that I am a little preachy standing up on this soap box, but I love America with my whole being and I am angry that career politicians are selling us out. I am disappointed that people care so little about voting. I am horrified that our children are not educated about the Constitution and they start their school day without the Pledge of Allegiance or Prayer. I also realize it is my responsibility to not keep my mouth shut! I must stand upon my box and share my love for the United States of America. I must tell my Representatives what is not acceptable and not with one phone call a year, but as a part of my regular routine.

I am an American and I will not be silenced. I will shout out my love for my country every day; before it is too late, before there is nothing left to celebrate. Join me, please.

For more information on Debra Coppinger Hill go to AlwaysCowboy.com.

RIDING DRAG with DEBRA COPPINGER HILL is featured each week at ALWAYS COWBOY where Debra is a Resident Western Poet. Join her and her Cowboy Friends for Cowboy Poetry, News & Events. http://alwayscowboy.net/debra_coppinger_hill_poetry.html

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